Thursday, November 8, 2007

Passover Seder

Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast held on the first day of Passover. I learned about this while I was listening to the radio while driving home. Besides eating of the lamb, there are also 3 pieces of Matzah breads. The Matzah bread is pricked(pierced) and also lots of stripes on it... primarily for making sure that the bread doesn't rise. (God allowed only unleavened bread) And the Jews would only take the middle one of the three and then break it. And the adults would hide the bigger piece for little children to find..., and it would turn out to be a fun and joyful game for the little kids... kinda like our Easter Egg hunt I guess.
Anyway, the pastor over the radio of course pointed out the remarkable similarity between this Jewish tradition... and with Jesus! Jesus is the 2nd person of the Trinity and he was pierced and striked... and broken for us. Of course people at the time also had trouble finding Jesus body for a while... and then joyfully, the women and the disciples find him!
We all know Jesus came as the lamb of God, and it is because of his blood that our judgements can be passed over..., amazingly that Jesus is also the Matzah bread... actually, we do know that he's also the bread of life I guess... Anyway, I just found this Jewish ritual to be extremely cool! ;)
Today's scripture reading is about Judas. I wonder if Judas did what he did in order to force Jesus to really show his true powers... or did Judas really did what he did for 30 pieces of silver? Anyway, whatever his motives were, I guess we won't really know for sure... only God knows... and did he repent or he simply regretted what he had done? Again, I guess we won't really know for sure at this poing until later! Only Lord knows. I suppose a lesson that can be learned is that we should test God or sell God short... and if we've done something wrong, we ought to really repent... God with His infinite mercy and grace for sure would be willing to passover His judgements on us if we genuinely repent.

(Mark 3:19,Mark 14:3-11,43-49)

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