Monday, April 16, 2007

Productive weekend!

Was kinda looking forward to perhaps checking out the CART race at Long Beach over the weekend, but oh well, with so many things going on... maybe next year!

Our Tempur-pedic mattress arrived on Saturday morning. Thanks to Paul and Ivy, we were able to get it at discount prices for only $1000! It's interesting that it's very soft and firm at the same time. The cat doesn't like it..., but anyway, I need to start designing and building a bed now! It has to look cool and at the same time be supportive enough for the mattresss... Hopefully dad can help me cut out the bed frame at bro's factory.

We also purchased another $1000 item from Costco over the weekend, which is a Sceptre 42" LCD HDTV! I think this is about the last major purchase we need to make..., well other than the new car we'll need to buy when the lease on the Altima expires! Fortunately, that happens after the wedding so hopefully financial pressure won't be quite as high then! ;)

Also had lunch with Pastor Lau and Christine on Saturday just to catch up on things. I think we both know that I won't be returning to LAKKC anytime soon, but pastor thought we should keep the 'channel' open nonetheless! Anyway, it's cool that Justin and Amy are getting baptized this weekend. I would go a congratulate them if it weren't for my mom finally willing to come to church with us this Sunday!!! Yes, mom came with us to Faith Community Church this Sunday. Not sure how much she understood what Pastor Jim said, but at least she likes the music! ;) Maybe I should start a home cellgroup with mom and dad..., just to do 'english' Bible studies... this way they can learn the Word of God in English! ;)

Also saw a very nice movie called Keepin' Mum. Interesting British film about God's little grace... ;) This movie didn't make too much money box-office-wise, and it's kinda dark... 'dark' meaning some senseless violence and killings..., but it still has an over all positive message... which is that sometimes we all should just chill and relax and just enjoy and bask under God's grace. :) Yeah, easier said than done. Even Apostle Paul had to try very hard 3 times before he finally gets it that we should just go with God's flow... and God's mysterious way will never lead us wrong!

Deuteronomy 31
6 你 們 當 剛 強 壯 膽 , 不 要 害 怕 , 也 不 要 畏 懼 他 們 , 因 為 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 和 你 同 去 。 他 必 不 撇 下 你 , 也 不 丟 棄 你 。
8 耶 和 華 必 在 你 前 面 行 ; 他 必 與 你 同 在 , 必 不 撇 下 你 , 也 不 丟 棄 你 。 不 要 懼 怕 , 也 不 要 驚 惶 。
Proverbs 6
22 你 行 走 , 他 必 引 導 你 ; 你 躺 臥 , 他 必 保 守 你 ; 你 睡 醒 , 他 必 與 你 談 論 。
23 因 為 誡 命 是 燈 , 法 則 ( 或 譯 : 指 教 ) 是 光 , 訓 誨 的 責 備 是 生 命 的 道 ,

Psalm 6
2 耶 和 華 啊 , 求 你 可 憐 我 , 因 為 我 軟 弱 。 耶 和 華 啊 , 求 你 醫 治 我 , 因 為 我 的 骨 頭 發 戰 。
Psalm 56
3 我 懼 怕 的 時 候 要 倚 靠 你 。
4 我 倚 靠   神 , 我 要 讚 美 他 的 話 ; 我 倚 靠   神 , 必 不 懼 怕 。 血 氣 之 輩 能 把 我 怎 麼 樣 呢 ?
10 我 倚 靠   神 , 我 要 讚 美 他 的 話 我 倚 靠 耶 和 華 , 我 要 讚 美 他 的 話 。
11 我 倚 靠   神 , 必 不 懼 怕 。 人 能 把 我 怎 麼 樣 呢 ?
12   神 啊 , 我 向 你 所 許 的 願 在 我 身 上 ; 我 要 將 感 謝 祭 獻 給 你 。
13 因 為 你 救 我 的 命 脫 離 死 亡 。 你 豈 不 是 救 護 我 的 腳 不 跌 倒 、 使 我 在 生 命 光 中 行 在   神 面 前 麼 ?
Psalm 106
3 凡 遵 守 公 平 ﹔ 常 行 公 義 的 , 這 人 便 為 有 福 !
4 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 用 恩 惠 待 你 的 百 姓 ; 求 你 也 用 這 恩 惠 記 念 我 , 開 你 的 救 恩 眷 顧 我 ,
5 使 我 見 你 選 民 的 福 , 樂 你 國 民 的 樂 , 與 你 的 產 業 一 同 誇 耀 。
47 耶 和 華 ─ 我 們 的   神 啊 , 求 你 拯 救 我 們 , 從 外 邦 中 招 聚 我 們 , 我 們 好 稱 讚 你 的 聖 名 , 以 讚 美 你 為 誇 勝 。
48 耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 是 應 當 稱 頌 的 , 從 亙 古 直 到 永 遠 。 願 眾 民 都 說 : 阿 們 ! 你 們 要 讚 美 耶 和 華 !

(Deuteronomy 5-8,28-31,34, Psalm 6, 56, 106, Proverbs 6)


Funky Thistle said...

Hey BP....

1. You should of let me know how much you wanted to go check out the car race thing...We did have enough time to go you know cuz the other things can wait if you want them to wait...

2. Eng bible study for your parents kinda sound cool. Are you gonna be patient enough with your mom and actually do that?

3. You also could of go to the baptism if you mentioned it. To celebrate someone's soul getting saved is not a bad thing. Regarding "keeping the channels" open I have no idea what that means...same reason I asked what does "leaving the church" mean to you? Does it mean if we don't find a Chinese home church somehow you will always be thinking about going back to the church? Does it mean I will always be wondering about what your pastor is trying to brainwash and sell to you whenever he comes and "gathers" with you?

Just popping some questions that would be good if you can let me know the answers. It's amazing how this church issue keeps on coming up while I thought people should enjoy churches in some least enjoy churches together when two people are together.

Oh by the way....I am not emotional about this...just annoyed that I don't tend to know exactly what you are doing or thinking unless I read your blogs. I thought blogs are for people who don't hang out everyday.

MP of the house.

Billy said...

Hi MP!

1) No, I didn't think there's gonna be enough time... driving down to long beach is going to take a while... I was thinking of taking Dan and Darren to LB in the AM and come back after lunch originally, but then my sis-in-law was saying she needs them back by noon... and with the Mattress supposedly coming in the afternoon, I simply had to forget about it. It's okay, it's not like I've never seen it before. I mostly just wanted to show my nephews and you what's it like at real racing events. That drift event is good enough I suppose...

2. We'll see. I don't think I have that big of a problem with patience... it's most likely that they'll run out of patience with me! ;) But if God is with us, who knows what may happen! :)

3. It's okay, I'd rather take mom to church first. Kit did invite me, and I would've gone if it weren't for mom agreeing to go to faith with us first. Regarding the church thing, of course every church is a possible option for me, even LAKKC. But it's no longer just about ME anymore, right? "We" left a church for a reason, unless that reason is fixed, of course we wouldn't be going back to it anytime soon, right? And remember I kept on telling you to trust me? Do you still think your husband is that easily brain-washed and he has no clue what he's doing? How can you trust your life in the hand of a man like that? ;) So, can you trust your husband's judgement, his leadership? Or would you prefer to lead while I sit back?

Regarding 'enjoying' church..., I'm not really sure God intended churches to simply be an 'enjoyable' experience. For sure Christ didn't enjoy being nailed on the cross. For sure carrying our own crosses wouldn't be very enjoyable all the time. However, the joy comes when it's harvest time... when we see souls being saved and lives being transformed and God's work being done! If it's really all that enjoyable, there'd be a LOT more people working in the ministries.

To be honest, the church issue is an topic very difficult for me to bring up with you. I may annoy you if I don't talk about it, and I can upset you if I do talk about it. What do you think I should do? Would you like to be annoyed or be upset? ;) First step to open and honest communication is that you'll have to learn to not get mad at ME personally! Can you try to do that? And I'll try to open up more! ;)

This blog is actually mostly intended for devotional purposes... and of course for you too... and possibly for your parents too in the future so that they can sorta know what's going on with us. I will try to be as candid as I can... and I do hope what I said here won't be used against me..., okay? ;) If you want to talk about anything, let's talk about the issues, calmly. If you wish to talk thru blogs, that's fine too. Either ways' fine with me! And I do hope that we will both improve as time goes on! :)


(YES LORD, please help us to be able to communicate better in the future. I need to learn to open up more and to be able to wisely figure out what should be said and what shouldn't be said... and may you help MP how to properly vent out that 'fire' in her belly which is often bothering her at times. Teach her how to control that fire instead of allow that fire to control her... Thanks LORD for Your help! In Jesus' name we pray!