Friday, October 10, 2008

$10 Trillion dollars!

That's how much we owe... and on a household average... the US government has glommed about $86,017 from wife and I!!!

Stock market continued it's wild slide, but then in the closing minutes, it seemed to have leveled off to the same level as earlier in the day... a lot of emotions are causing the volatility in the market... it is a bit scary that Government interventions didn't help the situation to improve that much... how low can we go?

Lord knows. Good thing is that oil/gasoline prices have steadily fallen! ;)

Brother GD along with Pastor Jim all have pretty much the same message recently... which is to love God with ALL of our hearts. If only we could substitute our greed into a hunger to pursue God, our financial situation probably would've been a lot better.

(1 Chronnicles 13-18, 174.6 lbs, $3.599)

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