Monday, July 23, 2007

New Beginning...

2 weeks of vacation have gone by and I'm finally officially married! The hardwork in preparing that ceremony is now finally over!!! Yeah!!!!!! However, now it's time for the hardwork in preparing the marriage life itself so that we can truly have good testimonies for God!

Will managing our marriage get tiresome? I'm sure it will. Wife is already complaining about the demanding mother-in-law... and my demanding mom is also complaining why my new wife never comes home? What am I to do? I have no clue.

However, if God is with us, surely He will be graciously giving us whatever energy necessary to overcome our obsticles! Luckily so far, God has given me sufficient wisdom and ability to put out fires on both sides for now. I like Pastor Jim's sermon last Sunday... that we can be pressed, but not crushed; persecuted, but not abandoned; strucked down, but not destroyed! All I can do now is to continue to 'wait in the Lord'..., which according to Pastor Jim is not just sit there and wait and do nothing... but wait like waitors in restaraunts... waitors 'wait' on people is the same as 'serving'. I'll just have to continue to serve God, my wife, and my family who I care about the best way I know how. May the Lord my God continue to strengthen me and teach me how to do better! I am happy to see that the final outcome of these brush fires between wife and mom is that I'm able to set up Bible study times together with my parents so that we can all have a better and more godly quality time together! Yipee!!! :D

Anyway, lots of tragedies have happened all over the world..., from airline crashes to earthquakes... even a huge fire around our neighborhood, hope my wife's gown is alright... luckily the dry cleaners didn't get burn down... Anyway, I'm thankful that nothing horribly bad has happened to us..., may God continue to be gracious to us in this regard by protecting us from great harm...

I'm also ashamed to say that I haven't really been doing much devotional for the past 2 weeks. My spirit man is probably starving to death while my fleshy man has gained lots of weight. May God help me reverse the trend starting from today!!! ;)

So for the next few month, I'll start studying the important Bible characters... Adam is first on the list...

O God, please help me to be able to obey Your Word fully, I don't want to screw up like Adam did!!! Help us to be able to become truly a reflection of Your image and me a godly husband so that I can live as happily ever after as possible with my Eve? Thanks. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen!!! :)

26   神 說 : 我 們 要 照 著 我 們 的 形 像 、 按 著 我 們 的 樣 式 造 人 , 使 他 們 管 理 海 裡 的 魚 、 空 中 的 鳥 、 地 上 的 牲 畜 , 和 全 地 , 並 地 上 所 爬 的 一 切 昆 蟲 。
(Genesis 1:26-2:17)

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