Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The LOVE puppy!

This adorable Chihuahua has a heart shaped pattern on the side of his back! How cute is that?!

If only we humans can be born with whole lotta love inside too, then this world can probably be heaven on earth!!! ;) Today's scripture reading about Abel and Cain is kinda interesting. Does God really prefers fat over grains when it comes to offering? Why didn't poor Cain gain favor with God?

6 耶 和 華 對 該 隱 說 : 你 為 甚 麼 發 怒 呢 ? 你 為 甚 麼 變 了 臉 色 呢 ?
7 你 若 行 得 好 , 豈 不 蒙 悅 納 ? 你 若 行 得 不 好 , 罪 就 伏 在 門 前 。 他 必 戀 慕 你 , 你 卻 要 制 伏 他 。

What's in our hearts will eventually be unleashed into action. If good is in it, then let it out! However, if not, then we have to try hard to control it before awful mistakes are made as result. Cain didn't have it in his heart to love God nor his brother. (That's obviously why he killed Abel) And God in His infinite mercy and grace allowed him to live..., not sure exactly what happened to him in the end, but I hope he ended up like the prodigal son and repent of his prior mistakes.

Lord, please do continue to fill more of Your love and faithfullness in me and my wife. You're the only hope we have. Thanks! We pray in Jesus' name.

(Genesis 4:1-18)


Funky Thistle said...

The puppy is indeed cute...I want one like that too...but I hate those hyper dogs...Maybe I should just do some design on Hades...hahaha...

Your view on Cain and Abel was kinda interesting too. I often thought treating kids unfairly would eventually cause bitterness in them. I personally thought the story is really unfair, just like how the prodigal son's brother was kinda treated unfairly. I wonder if there are more things hidden in those stories cuz most of the time people only look at the "textbook" moral of the stories...

Billy said...

Well, supposedly God is just; therefore, He can't really treat people unfairly.

Atheists would always accuse God as a mean and unfair God... always accusing God with His wrathful acts such as with the flood or destroying Sodom and Gamorrah. But I believe this is all matter of hearts. People rarely look into people's hearts. Well, I suppose this is because we're unable to look into other's hearts, only God can... However, actions can often show what's in one's heart.

Cain killed. He couldn't have done it if he's really full of love for God and for his bro. If his heart is full of love for God and his bro, of course God would also look upon him with favor.

And just because the father didn't throw a party for prodigal son's brother, does it really mean father doesn't care for him or love him? Is that really unfair to celebrate gaining back a lost son? Plus, all in the party can enjoy that party. Does it really matter who the party is for?

If that father can give generously to the stupid prodigal son a portion of his fortune, why wouldn't that father do the same for the other son if the same thing happened? Could it be that the son is now upset that not only he didn't get a party, but now has to share his father's fortunes with the other bro?

So anyway, if the brothers love each other, then they wouldn't really get jealous at the supposedly 'unfair' treatment. If there is a good reason to celebrate with the other son, I'm sure that father will throw a party for him too! There's gotta be a reason for celebration, right?

So yeah, it's all a matter of what's in the heart. If there's love in their hearts, prodigal son would've never left like that in the first place... and the brother also wouldn't be jealous upon his return, but enjoying in the celebration when his previously lost brother.

Now, it's for sure possible for human parents to truly treat their kids unfairly. Some parents can even abuse their kids emotionally and physically. Yeah, life is indeed unfair under those circumstances. But again, what's the cause for those things?

Lack of love in their hearts.

But luckily we also do have this Heavenly Father who's watching over us. Wonderful Master or Boss or brother or friend named Jesus.

Only with God's love can we counter the lovelessness of the world.