Friday, September 5, 2008


Spending less and less time blogging due to busier work schedule..., and of course another reason is simply because of not having a whole lot to say to I suppose! ;) Anyway, last nite we had another bible study with mom and dad. I think bible studies are now going pretty well now... discussing God's words... and discussing our lives... besidesing fellowshipping with each other, may we be able to truly fellowship with God soon. Pastor Zo has volunteered to help us do bible studies too... hopefully that'll happen someday! ;)

Mom and dad..., well, I guess most who pay attention to what's going on in Taiwan are probably concerned with what's going on with president Chen. It's really too bad that president Chen ended up this way. He was indeed a pretty good mayor..., but then what happened? Sigh, I guess humanity happened... just like King Saul and even King David. Both screwed up royally, but may president Chen be more like David... to be able to realize his mistakes and turn away from it instead or remaining an anathema to all people of taiwan. May God help him...

Today, I just feel like staying home to work. Need a little break from working..., but I'll probably still work at home! Just have too many sick hours unused, figure I use them! ;) Luckily, I am feeling much better physically lately. Not really sure why I felt half sick all the time along with headaches occassionally. I still think it's probably the west nile virus, but anyway. At least it's passed. My only concern now is my highly fluctuating weight. During last weekend, I could weight as much as 178lbs... and then after mowing the lawn and sweating a lot, I can weight 172 lbs!!! I don't know, really need to stablize my weight somehow... I guess I just shouldn't eat too much! ;)

(2 Sam 7-15, 173.2 lbs, $3.979)

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