Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Better week!

The long July 4th weekend was relaxing and pleasant... except that at Ontario Mills, I was distracted by 'magic' that I ended up pissing wife off a bit... ;) She was tired and I wanted to see magic! So naturally things didn't end that pleasantly. But thank God the un-pleasantry didn't last very long though. I must be getting better at talking and comforting my wife! ;)

A bit of some more good news is that the condo we originally wanted to buy ended back on market again. So here's a 2nd shot, but I think the seller is really reluctant at selling to us at such a cheap price though... well, to us, it ain't that cheap, but compared to the previous offer, I can understand why the seller is a bit more hesitant. So far we still don't have a yes or no regarding our offer. I kinda like the place, it wasn't our most ideal nor 1st choice, but it is pretty nice. Hopefully we'll get it, but may God do what He thinks is best for us when it comes to such a big purchase!

Anyway, also finally saw the move UP. Pixar films surely have never failed to impress me. Not only are they masters of computer animation, but also master storytellers. It has the same old ingredients of how there's a battle to fight, and adventure to live and a beauty... or somebody to rescue..., but even with the same formula, I really love how they mixed everything up. I think the moral of the story is that we should all have dreams, but then we shouldn't get too focused on those dreams and completely lose sight of the journey along the way. And most importantly, I'm sure often times we don't 'feel' very loving at times, thinking that other people can be quite annoying..., but true love is really a 'choice'. When we choose to do loving things even against our natural 'feeling', surely only good can come out of it! I think this is for sure one of the ways we can harness the Spirit of the Lord behind our sails! May God continue to breath and blow on us... so that we can have an even better week next week! ;)

'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.
不 是 倚 靠 勢 力 , 不 是 倚 靠 才 能 , 乃 是 倚 靠 我 的 靈 方 能 成 事 。

(Zech 4-6, 176.6 lbs, $3.099)

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