Friday, March 25, 2011

Regenerate (day10)

Today has been a relaxing day. Driving to Palm Springs, spent some time at the outlet with wife and then had a nice dinner. The wine we had over dinner also made us very sleepy! ;) Weather is better than expected. Hopefully it'll get better tomorrow as we head to Joshua Tree national park.

Anyway, enough about the vacation. Today is suppose to be confession day!!!

Well, I think my main sin is just laziness. So a relaxing vacation suits me just fine, but may God help me overcome my laziness whenever some action is necessary! Besides action type sins, I think another thing I find annoying is having 'dirty thoughts'! I don't understand why they sometimes just pops in and distract me... possibly indirectly cause me to become lazy! Anyway, thank God that He has helped become more aware of my sins and help me change for the better. Thank God for giving me a wife who can help me have less dirty thoughts and she also help push me to get me off my lazy butt too! :D

Holy Spirit, search my heart. Expose my excuses, rationalization and rebellion and reveal to me any areas where I have been disobedient to your word. I know that as I confess these sins, you will forgive me. Thank you for continually help sitting me free! In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 32, ???, $???)

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