Thursday, September 23, 2010

My latest creation...

Company potluck yesterday and we had a lot of left over eggs in the frige so I've decided to try to make a frittata. First tasted one from Europane Bakery. Been wanting to try to make one but never got around to it. I planned on making fried rice for potluck but turned out couple of other co-workers have decided to make fry rice... so I guess I'll finally make a frittata! ;)

It looks prettier than the crab cake I made, but it didn't quite taste as good as the ones from Europane though... needs more seasonings I think. Regardless, at least it also tasted better than the crab cake too! ;)

Pot luck organizer also handed out awards to encourage us too... my friend Daniel has been winning twice in a row!!! Oh well, if God is willing and if I practice and improve, surely someday I'll win that certificate and the wooden spoon award! ;)

Oh, and wife's friend A-kiang is staying with us... perfect timing so that she can take care of the cats while we're visiting Taiwan! She had stayed with us nearly 3 years ago and was kinda suffering from depression... hopefully she's feeling better now...

Yesterday devotion was psalm 88. It's an amazingly depressing psalm... King David's Psalms could have horrible or hopeless beginnings, but they'll usually end with something uplifting..., but nope, not Psalm 88! What would be the purpose of Psalm 88?

Well, hopefully when the entire congregation back in the time of Israel sing that Psalm, they'll be able to sympathize with people who are suffering from depression better?

Anyway, hopefully we can give A-kiang some positive impacts while she's here with us...

(20/20, 172.4 lbs, $3.099)

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