Sunday, January 17, 2010


787 work seems to continue to drag on for whatever reasons. Thought I'd be done by the end of the year, but then it kept on going and going..., after this week, maybe it'll be done for sure..., but then again, Lord knows. ;) It kept me busy and lost a few nights sleep too, but at least I was able to make a few bucks out of that. At least I appreciate that part, just hope that the extended work hours won't just drag on indefinitely though. Wife was also making extra income this month. Besides teaching, she had to work extra recording some score for movies. Very tiring work actually, but I think she likes it better because she doesn't have to deal with some of the lazy and untalented students! That is just so unbearable for a 'Perfectionist'! ;)

Yeah, we've recently discovered our types of personality thru facebook. Wife is a perfectionist(Reformer) and I'm a peacemaker. Thru the website, I also managed to learn the good things and the bad things about such a combination. It was shocking for me to learn how accurate of a description they had for us whether the good or the bad! Actually Pastor Su had already done something similar for us during our pre-marriage counciling. He was pretty good too... he had already warned us of the potential problems we might face, but we weren't really there back then, so the impact wasn't as great I guess. Now after the fact, I was just amazed how psychologists already knew about people like us! It took wife and I years to get to know one another, but psycologists already know what we're like... what's even more shocking to me that there are only roughly 9 types of people.

So if I truly learned about all 9 types of folks, and how to properly deal with them... then I guess I will be awesome in all kinds of social situations... perhaps also stratigically spread the gospel differently with different personality types?

Anyway, first things first, I need to learn to deal with perfectionists better! ;)

I also signed up to have that website send me words of encouragement/improvement every day. Today, it says:

Remember, you will grow by moving toward those things that are symbolized by Type Three. Can you acknowledge your potential and recognize your own value today?

Type III's are 'Achievers'. I do score kinda low at the 'Achiever' category. Low self confidence? Dunno. But yeah, today I'm going to acknowledge my potential and recognize my own value! ;)

Today's 20/20 reading actually was about how Abraham asked his servant to find Isaac a wife back home... That's actually the part I was reading when I was about to find my wife... I used the same tactic as the servant used... asked for 3 signs to be sure I'm finding the right one. (Wife also had her own 'signs'!)

So anyway, no marriage is going to be perfect and problem free. Although a perfectionist may disagree with that, at last God will help us thru our troubles and imperfectons and the move both of us more toward that perfection. We just need to have faith like Abraham to hang in there I guess. God can't possibly lead us wrong, right? Right. ;)

(20/20, 172.6 lbs, $3.179)

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