Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Life after 787...

Had been super busy with work for the past month and cousin Jen just recently went back home after visiting us during the Christmas break... so things are slowly settling back down.

Faith Community Church is starting a new devotional campaign called the 20/20. Hopefully it can really help me 'see' God more clearly. Life had been kinda hectic lately.

I was kinda annoyed at work because supposedly I was picked to do more 787 work, but somehow office politics got in the way so that somehow got derailed. Oh well. I'm not really that particularly attached to that plane, it's just that 7-8-07 was our anniversary date and has a special meaning to me that's all.

Anyway, I was working on a particular part on 787 called the 'pickle fork' and that item was actually the 7th of all the rest of the item. So anyway, regardless what happens, I still kinda see that as if God's reminding me that He's still with me no matter what!

Today's 20/20 reading, this scripture verse came to my attention:

Isaiah 65
23 They will not toil in vain
or bear children doomed to misfortune;
for they will be a people blessed by the LORD,
they and their descendants with them.

May God bless us... and cousin Jen... since she is a descendant of a blessed family! So hopefully she'll be able to have a blessed 'marriage' with some blessed guy! ;)

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