Friday, November 7, 2008

Prop 8

People are pretty pissed about passage for prop 8, the new law which specifically spelled out marriage is for a man and a woman. It showed a narrow lead against it prior to the election, but it apparently suffered a 'Bradley effect' during election day... and won just barely. Bradley effect was coined when african american Tom Bradley failed to win the Governor's race... when polls showing him a victory, but ended with a defeat on election day. People during the poll simply didn't want to claim that they're racist by claiming that they'd vote for him, but didn't.

A lot of folks feared the Bradley effect for Obama too, but fortunately it didn't happen. As for prop 8, supposedly lots of black people voted overwhelmingly for protection of marriage. Most african americans were also Christians... so when they showed up to vote for Obama, that perhaps was what tipped the scale for prop 8. I also voted for it, but honestly I didn't think it'd pass. I'm surprised that it did. Thank God.

Anyway, there are still lots of folks who think we Christians are hateful against homosexuals. But reality is that prop 8 didn't really take away their civil union rights. Alot of folks are pushing for gay marriage mostly just to be anti-christianity I think.

Perhaps it really isn't that good of an idea for us Christians to meddle with legislation... passing new laws. We of all people should know how lame laws can be. Imposing laws on unrepenting people is an exercise in futility I think. God did just warn Adam to not eat it. God never bother to stop Adam from eating it. Who are we to stop gay people from 'marrying'? Should we really force the prodigal son to stay home? What would that achieve?

Anyway, I did my part to help preserve 'marriage' in California during the election. We did pray for it to pass, eventhough I thought it probably won't... so I guess this is indeed God's will then. Surprisingly the Mormons really played a huge role in the passage of prop 8. They raised a LOT of money for it. I heard a Mormon family with 5 kids, prayed and decided to withdraw $50k out of their 401k to support prop 8!!! This family is not rich..., they still drive like 10 year old Honda Civics... Gee..., their commitment to preserve marriage really put me to shame!

But still, I pray that people's hearts will finally change toward God. I pray that we Christians can also show more grace toward those unbelievers... for Jesus Christ is full of both grace and truth. Besides emphasizing Truth, we ought to emphasize Grace to all. That's the only agent that can cause real change I think. The mind set of I'm right and your wrong certainly won't help change anybody's mind...

May God help us... to be like Nehemiah... to be able to protect and restore the wall of truth and to be gracious and release the poor people's debts so that it won't cause poor people to once again be bound by "law".

(Nehemiah 4-6, 174.4 lbs, $2.759)

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