Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hope for change...

Although the stock market seems to be doing pretty well lately... although gasoline prices also seemed to have dropped dramatically lately, bad luck seems to be happening to me lately... some unidentified flying object cracked my windshield on the freeway recently, but worst of all was that I got into a fight with wife again last night.

But luckily, all problems are fixable, it's not like all hope is lost! ;) Wife and I are continuing on our growing pains... may we continue to grow to be better persons. I'm still trying to finish reading the 'how people grow' book, but progress has been slow... hopefully I'll learn something new and more interesting... ;)

Just saw Obama's 30min informercial on TV earlier. Buying prime time slots on most TV networks surely would be expensive. There was an eldritch feeling that for 30 minutes, every major network is showing Obama! Except ABC... I wonder why ABC refuse to be bought! ;) Anyway, Obama sure knows how to raise money... and use them too! Was that money wisely spent? If it gets him elected, then I guess so. However we still can't help but continue to feel cynical about the 'change' that he promised though. Too many politicians promised changed, but as they get into position of power, things most often would stay the same as usual. Even with all those kings of Israel or Judah..., some started out good, but later on changed for the worse. Whoever won the presidency, may God help whoever won the white house to stay humble before Him.

So I suppose we can continue to stay hopeful..., not because Obama or McCain can really be our savior, but we can have faith that God will make sure all those who love Him will end up benefitting no matter what. Today's reading talked about Hezekiah restoring the temples and held a super long passover celebration... just as the days of King Solomon. This happened even after all the crappy stuffs done by the other crappy kings... so yeah, change for sure is possible, people just have to remain humble and trust in God. May we all be able to do this...

(2 chronicles 25-30, 173.2 lbs, $3.179)

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