Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Be faithful!

Last night I was practicing singing that song wife wrote... Gee it was hard!!! It's like I have 2 different kind of brain... one can count precisely, but not so fast... the other can act faster, but things tend to be a little fuzzy... I think human brain sometimes act like that... with fuzzy logic. Anyway, may God help me... all things are possible with God, right? ;)

It's just so important to keep our faith in God... in today's scripture reading in Hebrews

Heb 10:
23 也 要 堅 守 我 們 所 承 認 的 指 望 , 不 至 搖 動 , 因 為 那 應 許 我 們 的 是 信 實 的 。
24 又 要 彼 此 相 顧 , 激 發 愛 心 , 勉 勵 行 善 。

May my faith be able to allow me to have good, encouraging fellowships with those around me... so that we may all stand firm!

Heb 12
26 當 時 他 的 聲 音 震 動 了 地 , 但 如 今 他 應 許 說 : 再 一 次 我 不 單 要 震 動 地 , 還 要 震 動 天 。
27 這 再 一 次 的 話 , 是 指 明 被 震 動 的 , 就 是 受 造 之 物 都 要 挪 去 , 使 那 不 被 震 動 的 常 存 。
28 所 以 我 們 既 得 了 不 能 震 動 的 國 , 就 當 感 恩 , 照 神 所 喜 悅 的 , 用 虔 誠 、 敬 畏 的 心 事 奉 神 。

News has been warning us Californians of impending earthquake. There's a 99% chance that within the next 20~30 years, we'll have a big earthquake. But of course that's going to be nothing compared to God'squake!!! ;)

Still, if that's the case, my earthly dwelling probably will be destroyed..., but we're not suppose to worry too much about tomorrow, right? Since I now have a pre-approved loan, I ought to just try to get a house anyway..., just make sure we get it insured with earthquake insurance! ;)

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