Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This morning I went to get my old car ready to go... haven't driven it for weeks, probably months... put in some air... add some oil... and it's still running good as before! ;) Tires are really getting bald. Should I replace... or should I just let it go? Renewal for the registration is in May, needs a smog check, which it probably won't pass... hmm...

Was reading about Nehemiah Rebuilding the wall. May God give us sufficient money to rebuild my old car, otherwise I suppose I'll just have to junk it. :(

Speaking of rebuilding walls, we Christians often succumb to satan's attacks or whatever attacks still. Although we are God's temple, but sometimes we still have broken down walls... or weaknesses. How can we rebuild that?

For me, after becoming a Christian, other than my faith being transformed, I'm not really sure if my 'personality' has transformed all that much. Day to day life, I am still the same person. I still shrug my shoulders after supposedly being 'born again'... I also shared with wife about my possible weakness... about how I admire Joseph's character and self control. Honestly, if a super gorgeous girl(I'm assuming Potiphar's wife is super gorgeous) were to beg me to have sex with her, I'm not sure if I have the strength to say 'NO'! Of course if she's ugly, then the decision would be easy! ;)

My wife of course was understandably upset about me sharing such a 'weakness' of mine to her. How can I not know right from wrong? It's wrong to commit adultery, how can you even have struggles about that?

Well, surely people do know what's right and what's wrong, but we often are not motivated enough to do what's right. Our hearts will always go for whatever we truly love to do. Our flesh may pull us to the left, Holy Spirit pulling us to the right... our hearts will go wherever it wants to go!

So how can I overcome such weakness of mine? Being moral is not the solution..., but to truly love my wife is the solution. If I love my wife, surely I know having sex with a super gorgeous lady would hurt her feelings... so I'd say "no" to the super hot chick because of the love I have for my wife.

For Joseph, the guy was single. However, his "love" is God. He didn't do sin because he loves God. God is love. In order for us to rebuild our broken down walls is to try to learn to love God with ALL of our hearts, minds and strengths. Because anything short of that, if we love anything else more than God... chances are the enemy will be able to successfully defeat us in those areas. My chinese name is "will be a righteous person", may I live up to my own name!

May God help us rebuild our broken walls. May God help us to love Him more than anything else in this world.

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