Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hello USA!!!

It'd good to be back home, 5 lbs heavier too! ;)

However, wife already misses her 'home'... after a long long time being away, I guess this is normal! To think that she originally didn't want to go back home because of various reasons! ;)

Anyway, I pray that God will help me to help my wife to feel more at home at OUR home now too!

Also, haven't been keeping up with my daily devotions much. Brought the bible with me, but often I'm just too tire to read... or too distracted... or whatever other stupid reasons. Sorry God! ;) My father-in-law preached about how knowledge of mind can increase day by day, but to have the Lord fill our hearts requires a decrease of self day by day. The fact that I've been getting fatter and fatter physically, that's certainly not a good sign! ;)

There are more distractions at work nowadays too..., I think I ought to just do my devotions in the mornings. Another thing I've learned is that we need to pray together more regularly. Yes, these are my chinese new years resolutions. ;)

Today I'm continuing on with my reading on King David. When David got too proud of himself and Israel... the whole nation end up paying for his mistake. So I hope the next presidential election in both Taiwan and USA, may God only allow the most godly man or woman to win. I hope the US presidential candidates aren't just pretending to be Christian to win Christian votes. Of all the candidates, I only see Huckabee and Obama to be real Christians... at least real enough to attend church regularly on a longterm basis..., but of course even that isn't a sure thing... anyway, just have to give the benefit of the doubt. Regarding the future Taiwanese leaders..., well, I think they're in more jeopardy. Neither candidates are Christians and they both would go to whatever temple and bow down to whatever gods trying to win votes. I honestly don't know who should win... may God just prepare a more christian politician who genuinely walks with the Lord for Taiwan in the future. There's just no hope otherwise. Yes Lord, we need more godly leaders. Of course in my family, I'm a leader too..., please help me become a more effective leader too!

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