Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Economy tanking?

Maybe. Stock market dropped about 2% today. Citibank lost billions. Boeing's 787 maybe be delayed again(our stock dropped 5%, if this continues, we can probably kiss our yearly bonus good-bye) Even Apple lost about 7% in value today. The whole retail industry is just getting very depressing..., oh well.

Today's reading was about Abraham and Isaac. Anyway, this father of faith had doubts too. Doubts about his safety in Egypt, doubts about his future because he had no son. But as long as he inquires God about his concerns and as soon as he hears God's promise, he would believe. And God credited his faith as righteousness eventhough sometimes Abraham didn't really do the 'right' things...

Father of faith is not a guy who never had any worries. He's simply a guy who believes in God's Word.

So even in economically harsh times, should we be afraid? What does God say?

Gen 15:1 你 不 要 懼 怕 ! 我 是 你 的 盾 牌 , 必 大 大 的 賞 賜 你 。


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